Thursday, July 26, 2012

A real mother load.......

So today we're driving home from michigan, and Will says " do you know what a mother load is?" "Its when a woman is pregnant and shes the mother and the baby in her belly is the load!"
"Kinda like when bridgett was pregnant,  and collin was the load.."

Friday, March 2, 2012


Well, last month was the science fair at school. Will come up with his own project, I helped him put the whole thing together and had a blast. I told him when he gets older we can do projects involving electricity. He says to me " yeah,  like Albert Frankenstien! "

Thursday, January 19, 2012

What a view!!

So we goto the Dr. Yesterday and I park in the parking garage. Will says to me, " Dad can we drive to the top?" I said " why? ", and he replies, " cause since its really high, I wanna see the statue of liberty!"....

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Lean mean grillin President...

So the other night, My wife was reading Will a story, and some how the Presidents became the topic.
She asked him if he knew who the 3rd president was, and his response was " Yeah, it was George Foreman!"

Monday, January 9, 2012

Bed time ramblings....

"Hey dad, you know what kinda pet I want on my next birthday? Oh wait, forget the birthday part. you know what kinda pet I want? A dolphin! Yeah, a dolphin, and i can take it to school. No that's a bad idea, dolphins like water, and theres now water at school." Ok, good night! "Oh wait, by the way dad, um... whats after 2012?" "You know what kinda pet i want instead of a dolphin? a hamster, with one of those ball that dont bounce, that just rolls, and if it dont roll you just push it."

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Hey dad, Wanna hear a joke?

Will: Why didn't the toilet paper cross the road?
Me: Why?
Will: Cause it was stuck in a crack!!

I guess he heard it on majic one morning on the way to school.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Tell the class about one thing you got for Christmas ....

This year,  I think Will's favorite gift was a teddy bear that my aunt gave him.
So, the first day back to school, all the kids In class get asked to tell about one thing they got for Christmas.  (He's in kindergarten by the way) So, my kid stands up and says " I got a bear that farts!! You can hide it by someone and then it has a remote that makes it fart!". Yes, a farting teddy bear! I think its funny, but my mother on the other hand (who happens to work at his school) was quite embarrassed when she found out he was telling everyone he passed ... I told him, its ok to embarrass Mimi sometimes.
So, that's been the topic of discussion in the teachers lounge this week...